An encounter at Islamabad Airport.

I was waiting at Islamabad airport to catch my flight to Karachi. I met this nice lady and her daughter from Kashmir who were the survivor of the terrible earthquake of 2005. They told me they lost their house, their means of earning and practically everything. Their circumstances forced them to move to Islamabad and earn a living. Thankfully the daughter got married and found a shelter for herself. The daughter, Huma, told me that her husband left for Dubai a week ago to pursue his job. She was pretty depressed and I consoled her. I wonder how much this family has already lost. They have started their lives from the scratch. I can’t even imagine the idea of losing my house, my job, my everything yet they have gone through it. In a very short span of time I developed a strong association with this nice, close-knit family. With a promise to meet and talk again I gave Huma my visiting card, I hugged her and moved forward. I’ll remember meeting them for a long time.


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